Sharon Goodwein, QKA
Retirement Plan Consultant
Sharon’s primary role is to on-board new clients. Her extensive background as a former Administrator gives her the perfect background for this important role. This includes the setup of new plans and the takeover of existing plans. During the initial phase of a new client relationship, Sharon provides sophisticated education and consulting on plan design and administrative features. She then hands the plan off to Sharon Baca, Ivy Birgani, Andrew Mayo or Christy Santaella for ongoing maintenance.
Sharon has worked in the retirement and financial planning industry for 19 years. Originally from Southern California, Sharon is a big LA Kings and Dodgers fan. While the central coast doesn’t offer her favorite sports teams, she loves Monterey County because of the beautiful beaches and outdoor lifestyle the area offers. She’s a certified SCUBA diver and a big item on her bucket list it to cage dive off Guadalupe Island to get face-to-face with great white sharks.